Thursday, September 19, 2019


- students study the work of painters and create presentations about Escher, Kandinsky and
Vasarelly, Mondrian, Kandinski, Picasso, Knifer, Maljevič and Theo Van Doesburg
presentation-Pablo Picasso
presentation-Rembrant van Rijn
presentation- Victor Vasarely
presentation-Wassily Kandinsky

- students learning how to use Chrome Music Lab ICT tool - composing music
online workshop with students with zoom

- games celebrating PI Day 14. 3. through Music, Art and language (transforming pi digits into music, tone heights, colouring the tone, column graphs, writing pi lyrics, pi digits - memorising contest)
     Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π. Pi Day is observed on March 14 since 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant digits of π.
  Founded in 1988 at the Exploratorium, Pi (π) Day has become an international holiday, celebrated live and online all around the world. The numbers in the date (3/14) match the first three digits of the mathematical constant pi (π).
What is π, anyway? Divide any circle’s circumference by its diameter; the answer (whether for a pie plate or a planet) is always approximately 3.14, a number we represent with the Greek letter π. Keep calculating π’s digits with more and more accuracy—as mathematicians have been doing for 4,000 years—and you’ll discover they go on literally forever, with no pattern.
celebrating PI Day 14. 3. through listening music
what is pi?

- connecting tones and colours - painting with music tones

- students who traveled to the exchange mobility in Greece will write a short text about their
experiences and present the activities they participated in to their school MA(R)TH team

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